Dear Customers,
So many have been asking about what is going on with the Naturopathic licensing in Pa. far not a thing it seems it is still hung up in the "rules committee" and who knows how long it will take for the Senate to actually see it and vote. In the meantime I still urge you all to contact your local Senators and Congressman and tell them to vote "NO" on Pa house bill 612.It is important we all stand up for what we believe in and have a voice in this country before we can't at all..and that time may well be coming..sooner than we think!
It is up to US the "citizens" of this country to say what we want and don't want. Do not leave it up to someone else or put it off We NEED all of you to act on this!!
Thank you,
Back to Basics

Monday, March 31, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
March Newsletter
Happy Spring Everyone!!!
So sorry about not getting a newsletter out last month, it was a crazy time here with Mary Beth being off. However she is back in the saddle and all I can say is thank God!!! Her health is great, problem solved!
She is my left and right hand so she was missed terribly by not just me but many of you too I know. We have decided to use our blog to keep you informed and put out our newsletters, it makes a nice way for you to ask questions and keep up better with all the goings on here!!
So lots to catch up on and talk about. First spring is here though it may not look like it and allergy season right around the corner..IF we ever warm up that is!! Wanted to get you all prepared for that before your allergies go bonkers!! So here are some things I suggest to get started on now:
Allergy Fighters by Twinlab: 2 twice daily with meals. This helps as a preventative so get on this ASAP
Allergy Essentials by Pure Encapsulation: 2 with each meal: this also does the same thing.
Nettle tea is another good one to start drinking as it also works as a preventative and anti-inflammatory to the sinus's.
If you are not using local honey, I would suggest you do. One teaspoon a day everyday helps to build your resistance to the various pollens and irritants that usually bother you. Basically local honey desensitizes your allergies.Plus it tastes great too and goes well with tea and biscuits or crumpets. LOL That is if your English!
Once allergy season hits and if you are still having some issues I would suggest using any one of these products:
ALJ / this is great for the entire respiratory system.
Sinus Support / works like a antihistamine, helping with sinus drainage, watery or itchy eyes.
Histablock / Opens nasal passages and work as an anti-inflammatory to the sinus's.
All of the above products are by Natures Sunshine.
Many people have also found relief using the Nettie Pots also. A wonderful to clear out the sinus area and if you add colloidal silver to the solution it clears up a sinus infection. As the silver works like an antibiotic. We also carry many specific allergy products in a homeopathic form too which is great for many people as some are sensitive to herbs in general.
Remember allergies are an auto immune issue so avoid Echinecea and Golden Seal. Support your adrenals with B-complex, extra pantothenic acid, Royal Jelly, any adrenal formula and also Grape seed extract. You don't want to stimulate the immune system you want to balance it out!! Now certainly you do not need to take ALL of these, pick one,any one and it will support your adrenals.
With the spring comes also the time to cleanse the LIVER and COLON!!
We have many great products to do that job from just about every line of supplement companies we carry. However if you are NOT a pill taker drinking some Dandelion root tea and Milk thistle is a good way to go to detox that liver .Adding in local honey of course:-) Drink 2 cups each daily for the next month or 6 weeks.
For the colon again we have many combinations here that will do that job nicely and turn those brown eyes blue!! Just kidding, though it may lighten them up a tad. I kid you, but believe it or not at one time my Iris was as black as my pupils. After much cleansing my eyes are more you know what I was full of!! Hey I came from a blue eyed family so there you have it!! Though my mother and one brother had green eyes, this is a sign of serious kidney issues and both of them had a lot of problems. My mother even had one kidney removed and half the other. So eye color mean many things.But that is another news letter in itself...
We also have brought in some new supplements by Barlenes:
A 1500 mg form of fish oil in liquid citrus flavor. For our arteries and vessels.
Liquid swirl COQ 10 for heart health and circulation, including blood pressure.
Liquid swirl coconut oil for brain health and memory
Liquid swirl CLA for weight loss, especially belly fat.
They are delicious as all their fruit swirl products are. So stop in and see us and oh by the way all products we have mentioned in this newsletter for allergies, liver and colon health are 20% off. So take advantage of this sale and stock up!!
God Bless you all and again Happy Spring and Good Health to all of you!!!
Sharon, Mary Beth and Donna
So sorry about not getting a newsletter out last month, it was a crazy time here with Mary Beth being off. However she is back in the saddle and all I can say is thank God!!! Her health is great, problem solved!
She is my left and right hand so she was missed terribly by not just me but many of you too I know. We have decided to use our blog to keep you informed and put out our newsletters, it makes a nice way for you to ask questions and keep up better with all the goings on here!!
So lots to catch up on and talk about. First spring is here though it may not look like it and allergy season right around the corner..IF we ever warm up that is!! Wanted to get you all prepared for that before your allergies go bonkers!! So here are some things I suggest to get started on now:
Allergy Fighters by Twinlab: 2 twice daily with meals. This helps as a preventative so get on this ASAP
Allergy Essentials by Pure Encapsulation: 2 with each meal: this also does the same thing.
Nettle tea is another good one to start drinking as it also works as a preventative and anti-inflammatory to the sinus's.
If you are not using local honey, I would suggest you do. One teaspoon a day everyday helps to build your resistance to the various pollens and irritants that usually bother you. Basically local honey desensitizes your allergies.Plus it tastes great too and goes well with tea and biscuits or crumpets. LOL That is if your English!
Once allergy season hits and if you are still having some issues I would suggest using any one of these products:
ALJ / this is great for the entire respiratory system.
Sinus Support / works like a antihistamine, helping with sinus drainage, watery or itchy eyes.
Histablock / Opens nasal passages and work as an anti-inflammatory to the sinus's.
All of the above products are by Natures Sunshine.
Many people have also found relief using the Nettie Pots also. A wonderful to clear out the sinus area and if you add colloidal silver to the solution it clears up a sinus infection. As the silver works like an antibiotic. We also carry many specific allergy products in a homeopathic form too which is great for many people as some are sensitive to herbs in general.
Remember allergies are an auto immune issue so avoid Echinecea and Golden Seal. Support your adrenals with B-complex, extra pantothenic acid, Royal Jelly, any adrenal formula and also Grape seed extract. You don't want to stimulate the immune system you want to balance it out!! Now certainly you do not need to take ALL of these, pick one,any one and it will support your adrenals.
With the spring comes also the time to cleanse the LIVER and COLON!!
We have many great products to do that job from just about every line of supplement companies we carry. However if you are NOT a pill taker drinking some Dandelion root tea and Milk thistle is a good way to go to detox that liver .Adding in local honey of course:-) Drink 2 cups each daily for the next month or 6 weeks.
For the colon again we have many combinations here that will do that job nicely and turn those brown eyes blue!! Just kidding, though it may lighten them up a tad. I kid you, but believe it or not at one time my Iris was as black as my pupils. After much cleansing my eyes are more you know what I was full of!! Hey I came from a blue eyed family so there you have it!! Though my mother and one brother had green eyes, this is a sign of serious kidney issues and both of them had a lot of problems. My mother even had one kidney removed and half the other. So eye color mean many things.But that is another news letter in itself...
We also have brought in some new supplements by Barlenes:
A 1500 mg form of fish oil in liquid citrus flavor. For our arteries and vessels.
Liquid swirl COQ 10 for heart health and circulation, including blood pressure.
Liquid swirl coconut oil for brain health and memory
Liquid swirl CLA for weight loss, especially belly fat.
They are delicious as all their fruit swirl products are. So stop in and see us and oh by the way all products we have mentioned in this newsletter for allergies, liver and colon health are 20% off. So take advantage of this sale and stock up!!
God Bless you all and again Happy Spring and Good Health to all of you!!!
Sharon, Mary Beth and Donna
Monday, March 24, 2014
Sharon Does "House Calls"

Give us a call at 412-343-8156 to discuss having Sharon attend your gathering and we can advise you on scheduling and fees.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
In Favor of your Morning Joe
Coffee. Depending who you talk to, it's good for you or it's bad for you. The truth is the health benefits generally outweigh any possible risks. When we were kids we all heard "Coffee will stunt your growth." I confess I even tried this line on my kids, mostly because the little heathens do NOT need any help staying awake! Luckily there is no evidence coffee inhibits development or growth, but it's still probably not a good idea to give the little darlings a stimulant if you'd like them to go to bed at a decent hour, because coffee indeed contains the well known stimulant, caffeine. Another myth linking coffee to heart disease and/or increased mortality, is an outdated theory, most likely because at the time, it was not taken into account that heavy coffee drinkers were more likely to also be heavy smokers.
So, on to the benefits!
1) Caffeine may help protect brain cells from Parkinson's, Dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. And because coffee beans are in fact BEANS, they contain those lovely plant antioxidants which may also protect your liver. In fact according to an article published by The American Gastroenterology Association (Gastroenterolgy, Volume 144, Issue 4, Pages 670-672, April 2013), coffee may be a valid adjunct to therapy for liver disease.
2) Coffee boosts your brainpower. A cup of java before a big test or other brain intensive task can sharpen your memory and keep you alert. Millions of college kids can't be wrong!
3) Coffee may help in weight-loss or weight maintenance efforts. Caffeine can give your metabolism a boost, increasing your fat burning power. Decreasing your BMI to a healthy range can prevent Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Additionally black coffee is one of the lowest calorie drinks you can find.
4) There is evidence caffeine can also improve your athletic performance. Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in the blood. This is the “fight or flight” hormone, designed to make our bodies ready for intense physical exertion. Caffeine makes the fat cells break down body fat, releasing them into the blood as free fatty acids and making them available as fuel for physical activity.
5) Coffee contains nutrition! A single cup of coffee contains:
6) Coffee may fight depression. Depression is a serious mental disorder that causes a significantly reduced quality of life. It is incredibly common and about 4.1% of people in the U.S. currently meet the criteria for clinical depression. In a Harvard study published in 2011, women who drank 4 or more cups per day had a 20% lower risk of becoming depressed. Another study with 208,424 individuals found that those who drank 4 or more cups per day were 53% less likely to commit suicide.
7) Coffee is a significant source of antioxidants in a Western diet. For people who eat a standard Western diet, coffee may actually be the healthiest aspect of the diet. Coffee contains a massive amount of antioxidants.Coffee has an ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value ranging between 15,000 - 17,000 per CUP. In fact, studies show that most people get more antioxidants from coffee than both fruits and vegetables… combined.
Now go have a cup of java! It's GOOD for you! We recommend our delicious Ruta Maya 100% organic whole bean coffee. Mmmmmmmmm.
~ Mary Beth
So, on to the benefits!
1) Caffeine may help protect brain cells from Parkinson's, Dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. And because coffee beans are in fact BEANS, they contain those lovely plant antioxidants which may also protect your liver. In fact according to an article published by The American Gastroenterology Association (Gastroenterolgy, Volume 144, Issue 4, Pages 670-672, April 2013), coffee may be a valid adjunct to therapy for liver disease.
2) Coffee boosts your brainpower. A cup of java before a big test or other brain intensive task can sharpen your memory and keep you alert. Millions of college kids can't be wrong!
3) Coffee may help in weight-loss or weight maintenance efforts. Caffeine can give your metabolism a boost, increasing your fat burning power. Decreasing your BMI to a healthy range can prevent Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Additionally black coffee is one of the lowest calorie drinks you can find.
4) There is evidence caffeine can also improve your athletic performance. Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in the blood. This is the “fight or flight” hormone, designed to make our bodies ready for intense physical exertion. Caffeine makes the fat cells break down body fat, releasing them into the blood as free fatty acids and making them available as fuel for physical activity.

- Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA.
- Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA.
- Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
- Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA.
6) Coffee may fight depression. Depression is a serious mental disorder that causes a significantly reduced quality of life. It is incredibly common and about 4.1% of people in the U.S. currently meet the criteria for clinical depression. In a Harvard study published in 2011, women who drank 4 or more cups per day had a 20% lower risk of becoming depressed. Another study with 208,424 individuals found that those who drank 4 or more cups per day were 53% less likely to commit suicide.
7) Coffee is a significant source of antioxidants in a Western diet. For people who eat a standard Western diet, coffee may actually be the healthiest aspect of the diet. Coffee contains a massive amount of antioxidants.Coffee has an ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value ranging between 15,000 - 17,000 per CUP. In fact, studies show that most people get more antioxidants from coffee than both fruits and vegetables… combined.
Now go have a cup of java! It's GOOD for you! We recommend our delicious Ruta Maya 100% organic whole bean coffee. Mmmmmmmmm.
~ Mary Beth
Ruta Maya 100% Organic Coffee is BACK!
Back to Basics now featuring...........
Ruta Maya 100% organic coffee
Stop by today and pick some up!
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