Hello Everyone :-)
Once again I am running behind schedule...so sorry. However I have great news, I am going back on the radio, so this has taken up some of my time planning and writing intros and commercials. Yes, I have listened to all your requests and 620 radio/Bob Stevens called and asked me to come back, so I guess that was the sign I was waiting for. I will be back on radio this Friday at 9:00 a.m. on 620 am dial on your radio station. I hope you all join in, your calls and questions are most welcome for the BIG DEBUT'!!!
Spring is here and summer is approaching so time to put those first aid kits together for home or traveling. I personally never leave home without them. So many people ask me what to use when traveling abroad, cruises or flying and my favorite is always ginger. Take 2 capsules 3 times per day about 3 days before flying or a cruise and then staying on during the duration of the trip is advisable. Motion sickness is NOT fun, been there did that, so now I always use ginger and have never had the problem again. If you are a person who tends to build up water weight while flying, or has swelling of feet, ankles, etc. B6 100 mgs. is very good to use. Take just one daily, but also make sure to drink water, as much of the problem with flying is the compression your body experiences and dehydration. We also carry a unique product called Hydration by Energetix.
If you are taking a long flight over seas I would suggest melatonin, to help keep that pineal gland working well and not get out of sync with time changes. Add some Royal Jelly to help with energy and adjusting to time differences.
If you have stomach and colon issues due to traveling and eating things you
don't regularly eat, (Hey and why not you're on vacation!! That's what I
tell everyone...I am going to enjoy myself and no stress, chaos or
problems allowed. But that can come with some stress of it's own, so be
prepared!) try some slippery elm or DGL for gas and heartburn and some LBS to keep those bowels moving. Many people suffer with constipation when traveling.
Always load up on Olive Leaf or Oregano before traveling, along with some Vitamin C to prevent viral or bacterial attacks. Take along some Greens Paks, because chances are you are not going to be eating all your veggies on vacation...just sayin :-) and always, always, ALWAYS probiotics!!
Traveling, to me, is the greatest, and also simply enjoying the season and being outside for ANY reason. However this also the time of pesty bugs and creepy crawlers, not to mention accidents and poison ivy or poison oak. We have a homeopathic remedy for poison ivy and poison oak and also a topical cream which relieves the itching and dries it up quickly. For nasty critters, eating some garlic and using lavender and neem oil topically will deter mosquitoes and such. Tea tree oil for bites applied topically helps heal and stop itching.One must always have lots of Aloe on hand for those nasty sunburns!!
For those bumps and bruises or sprains Arnica tablets and Arniflora gel is great to give relief and control pain, plus speed up healing. Herbal Ca for broken bones is fantastic, we have even used it for major bones loss or brittle bones!! Summer is a time for fun but stock up on some of these products if you have children and even if you don't but are outside working a lot and the travelers products a must for those planning trips.So stop in and get your supplies!! Enjoy your summer where ever you go or whatever you do. God Bless from all of us at Back to Basics!!
Your in Health,
Sharon and staff
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